
Symptoms Of Prediabetes You Shouldn’t Ignore


Prediabetes is one of those conditions where you know you are close to having diabetes, but you’re also quite safe at the same time. However, it’s clear that you are going to have full type 2 diabetes if you continue these lifestyle. Which is why it’s extremely important to understand the Prediabetes symptoms, as this is a very crucial aspect to think about.

There are numerous signs and symptoms that you are close to having diabetes. While the presented below are the most common. It is important to pay your healthcare professional a visit if you notice several of these side effects manifesting in your body.

Blurry and low vision


If you feel like your eyes are not focusing properly then it could be as result of a high blood sugar and glucose high level rate, the blood sugar range supposed to be between maximum 125 mg/dl before eating and 180 after your meal, so if you find these symptoms be sure that for 90% it’s either full blown diabetes or prediabetes that are impacting your vision.

Go next pages to see more symptoms …The last sign will surprise you !