
Cancer Signs You Should Know

Unusual lumps anywhere in your body

If a new lump or grow has appeared anywhere in your body do NOT ignore it, even if it’s painless. Cancerous lumps tend to be painless at first and it would be in your best interest not to wait until they hurt.

All lumps that don’t go away within a couple of weeks should be treated with concern and you should know how to perform a self exam in breasts, testicles and other sensitive areas.

Changes in bowel movements

If you feel constipated, your stool is bloody, smelly or tar black and you are also losing weight and feeling fatigued do not ignore this signs: colorectal cancer might be announcing itself.

This type of cancer is particularly dangerous as it tends to have mild, fairly unnoticeable symptoms and it can grow slowly for over 10 years and silently spread all over your body until it is too late.


Having diarrhea for a couple of days is not a cause of concern (we might have eaten something that wasn’t too fresh), but if you have sudden, persistent and unexplained diarrhea could be a symptom of colorectal, stomach, thyroid cancer or medullary carcinoma.

Diarrhea doesn’t usually come on its own but is usually combined with other symptoms such as anemia, fatigue or blood in the stool but no matter what, if diarrhea doesn’t stop in a couple of days and we can’t find a cause it should be surveyed by a doctor.

Need to urinate much more frequently than habitual

You might need to visit the toilet more often if you are drinking a lot, or if you are having diuretic drinks such as tea, but needing to urinate frequently without a cause might be one of the early warning signs for prostate cancer.

This might be paired with difficulty to urinate at first or leaking after you pee. If you are a male over 40  yo, be on the look out and schedule regular prostate exams.