
Harmful Foods That we Often Give To Our Children

As a parent, you are responsible for the overall health and well-being of your child, unfortunately, most of the parents tend to provide harmful foods to their children due to lack of knowledge. That’s where we thought that it’s better to highlight what the harmful foods are.

Here is a list of some of the most prominent harmful foods that parents tend to give to their kids.


Most of the parents believe that juices are healthy. As a result, they go ahead and provide many different types of juices for the kids. However, it is important for you to understand that all types of juices are not healthy. This is where you should learn how to differentiate healthy juices from the rest.


Similar to juices, most of the parents tend to give yogurt to their kids as well. That’s because they believe yogurt contains a probiotics, which can contribute towards gut health. In other words, probiotics can act within the stomach and help a person to overcome issues caused by bacteria.


A variety of studies have been conducted on the nutritional value of cereal in the recent past. From one such experiment, it was identified that cereal contains more sugar than a cup of cookies. That’s why you should think twice before you give cereal to your child.

Chicken nuggets

Most of the restaurants advertise that they offer chicken nuggets, which are made out of real chicken. However, they can trigger a variety of negative health effects in your child. That’s mainly because chicken nuggets are deep fried, inside fatty and unhealthy oils. This can create a direct impact on the cholesterol levels of your child.