
Early Cancer Signs You Shouldn’t Ignore ?

When it comes to health management, some of us are not as on top of it as we should be: we ignore that random shoulder pain that is not going away, we pile on the pounds without a care in the world and we don’t want to get our wisdom teeth removed even if we know it is moving the rest of our teeth and damaging our jaw.

In most cases, cancer has a good prognosis and great chances for recovery as long as you notice it early. So, what are some cancer symptoms you shouldn’t ignore ?

Persistent coughs

If you have a “cold” that does not go away within a couple of days, or if you cough persistently without a reason… that’s a sign for concern.

Any cough that lasts more than a couple of weeks, produces colorful mucus, leaves you short of breath or is particularly painful should be checked by a healthcare professional.

Check next pages to see the sneaky symptoms…