
Clear Signs That You Have A Fatty Liver

In 2020, because of the expansion of the internet, most patients are first checking up their illnesses’ symptoms with Dr. Google instead of checking up with their healthcare providers. Obviously, searching for the symptoms online using Dr. Google is not such a bad thing in itself, because you can find a whole lot of useful information on the internet. However, it’s always a smart step to follow up with your doctor, especially when it comes to the health of your liver.

What are the Dangers of Fatty Liver?

A fatty liver can be extremely dangerous for your health. Also known as hepatic steatosis, a fatty liver can cause inflammation and may lead to liver failure. As the second-largest organ in the human body, the liver is responsible for filtering toxic substances from the nutrients you get and processing the nutrients you ingest.

It is crucial to look out for the following symptoms of chronic liver disease in order to prevent the condition from further affecting you. Let’s take a look at the main symptoms of a fatty liver.

You have Itchy Skin


Even if not everyone with fatty liver disease or NASH develops this symptom, it is still quite common among patients with fatty liver. It all starts with an itch under one of your arms or legs, and then it may spread all across your body, you soon find yourself having a strong desire to scratch.

Also known as pruritus, this symptom is not usually associated with alcohol-related or non-alcohol liver diseases. It is usually associated with primary sclerosis cholangitis, primary biliary cirrhosis and intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy. So far, scientists have not managed to pinpoint the exact substance the triggers this symptom of itchy skin. Instead, itchy skin may be caused by a multitude of factors.

Build-up of Bilirubin

Another common symptom of a fatty liver is a build-up of bilirubin in your blood. Also known as jaundice, this substance is the one responsible for causing yellowing of your eyes and skin. Jaundice in itself is not a disease, but a mere symptom of several potential diseases.

Basically, jaundice appears when the yellow pigment called bilirubin breaks down in your blood. Normally, your liver is the one responsible for getting rid of the dead red cells in your body, but when it doesn’t work normally, these cells break down in the liver. These cells transform into bilirubin which then triggers the appearance of jaundice.

Swelling of your Limbs

Lastly, fatty liver disease can dramatically impact the health of your liver and can slow down the blood flow. Because the blood flows decreases in the liver, the pressure inside your veins needs to compensate, so it increases constantly. This, in turn, leads to edema, or fluid accumulation, in your limbs.

The causes of edema are many, but the most common are pregnancy, medication, kidney disease and cirrhosis at the liver. Combined with edema, you might experience chest pain, difficulty in breathing or shortness of breath. These are signs that you might face pulmonary edema, a dangerous condition that requires prompt treatment.