
Uses & Benefits Of African Black Soap

African black soap or also well known as African soap is considered for its many ingredients and benefits one of the most effective beauty products to obtain perfect skin.

This natural black soap, compared to synthetic pharmacy soaps made in factories, is completely natural and handcrafted, made by African communities, and its purchase and distribution greatly help the neediest artisan communities on the continent. Find below a brief list of the best benefits that this African soap offers for skin health management.

 Fights Facial  Acne

All of us at some point in our lives have had to fight against acne in our adolescence and even in some cases fight against acne as adults, becoming uncomfortable and tedious.

Thanks to the combination of its natural ingredients, black soap becomes a great ally to fight even the most severe acne. The Shea content of the soap is essential to repair damaged skin cells, thus eliminating acne blemishes, in addition to the microbial properties it contains, it eliminates the bacteria Propionibacterium acnes, a precursor bacteria of severe acne.

Helps minimize the appearance of scars 

Some of us have certain scars that we wish were not there some acne marks and various scars are usually a very common problem in the population. Being the stretch marks and scars sensitive areas need special care.

This black soap has a special percentage of shea butter and vitamin E essential to treat redness, itchy skin and reduce the appearance of stretch marks and other scars on the skin.

Contributes to the disappearance of the Milia

The Milia or better known as miliary acne, is a condition that affects thousands of people, although they generally appear in newborn babies and disappear easily, in adults the Milia is usually persistent and is a big problem not only aesthetic but also health since if it is not treated correctly in time it can trigger other diseases.

This miliary acne is characterized by appearing as small white or yellow bumps on the surface of the skin, its treatment must be topical and delicate, it is for this reason that with all its natural ingredients that black savon help you get rid of milia, and it will give to your skin the texture it deserves.

Reduces oily skin

When you have oily skin, combination skin, or dry skin, it is very difficult to get a good beauty product that is in charge of treating the problem directly and that does not cause adverse effects.

The content of shea and coconut oil in African black soap helps maintain the healthy activity of the skin’s sebaceous glands, thus controlling the level of fat in our skin, so that we can feel comfortable in our daily routine.